Polished Concrete PBR material 3D texture High Resolution Free Download 4K
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Polished Concrete PBR material 3D texture 10% Free Download 4K
Polished Concrete PBR material 3D texture High Resolution 4K
- Carte diffuse du béton
- Carte d'occlusion du béton
- Carte de brillance du béton
- Carte métallique du béton
- Carte normale concrète
- Carte de rugosité du béton
- Carte spéculaire du béton
Description de la texture :
This Polished Concrete PBR material 3d texture seamless is Free to Download in high res HD 4k. This polished Concrete 3d texture PBR material is perfect for your architecture renders or graphic design compositions. Your 3D objects will be textured with a nice and realistic concrete material. It's always possible to adjust the reflections of this PBR material using the gloss and reflection maps included in the package. This polished PBR concrete 3D texture is Free to use in any 3d projects or photoshop graphic design work. All the related maps are in the same size of 4K 4069px . This polished concrete PBR 3D texture can be used for both offline rendering or for real-time renderings for games. With the map included it's possible to use it for both workflows metalness and specular. In case your are using this concrete PBR material 3d texture for a commercial work it is apreciated to give credit but not necessary and this concrete PBR can be used unlimited times.
You can use this Polished concrete wall PBR material 3d texture seamless in your personal or commercial projects, any 3d work , architecture or video games , web design, Photoshop art, wallpaper , background, graphic design... You can use it without limitations and without giving credit but sharing a link in social media is apreciated to show us a support.
Vous ne pouvez pas vendre ou revendiquer la propriété de cette texture. Tout le contenu gratuit reste la propriété de free-3dtextureshd.com.
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Vous ne pouvez pas vendre ou revendiquer la propriété de cette texture. Tout le contenu gratuit reste la propriété de free-3dtextureshd.com.
Merci !